Next RYC Series Starts August 25. Click HERE to sign up.

Restore Your Core

strength. flexibility. support.

The proven whole body approach to core and pelvic floor strength.

This class is for you if you

  • want to feel strong and healthy in your body
  • are transitioning from a pregnant body to a postpartum one
  • want to improve the strength and function of your core
  • have core issues such as diastasis recti or pelvic organ prolapse or incontinence
  • have back pain, knee pain or foot pain
  • have neck or shoulder pain
  • want to feel your best and tackle motherhood head-on
  • want to get moving in a healthy supportive way

Restore Your Core™ is about learning to move better, discovering any movement habits that might be causing issues in your body, and building new habits that promote strength, flexibility, and support.

This 6 week exercise program is super beneficial for everyone, especially women dealing with core issues like diastasis recti, pelvic organ prolapse, or back pain.

With the RYC® method, we focus on retraining your core and pelvic floor muscles to work better for you. We want them to be strong, responsive, and supportive so you can feel your best.

It's like giving your body a big hug and saying, "Hey, let's work together to feel great!"


  • 11 class series. We meet twice a week for 6 weeks.
  • Classes are 1 hour long. 45 minutes of exercise and 15 minutes of Core Conversations, essential discussions on core and pelvic floor health beyond the exercises.
  • Optional Q & A after the end of each class
  • Join our series at a time that fits your schedule! We offer the full series in various time slots throughout the day. Simply sign up and commit to the time that works best for you.
  • Class series are offered regularly throughout the year.
  • Entire series for only $247. (Payment plans available)

Taking care of your body, IS taking care of your family.

In order to be the best mother we want to be, our bodies need to be functioning at our best as often as possible.

We tend to focus on the emotional and mental demands of being a mother, and we don't even realize how much of being a mother is a physical job as well.

Its a physical job when your baby is on the inside and when they’re on the outside.

Take care of this wonderful keili that Hashem gave you.

Here's what others have to say about Restore Your Core™

I want to thank you so much for having me join this course. Forgetting about my whole stomach issue for a minute, you taught me so many other things that we face every day. You brought it all to my attention and I’m noticing the changes I’m doing as a result of this valuable knowledge!!!! I’m standing better, I’m holding my gait better, I’m using my core more effectively.

Thank you Hashem for having me see your post at the right time!!


Hi Henna! The classes are great, I'm really enjoying them. I like the way they're structured (exercise + theory/discussion), and the whatsapp summaries are really helpful!

You're really good at explaining things/answering questions - I was apprehensive about doing an online program where you can't see us/observe our form etc, but the way you demonstrate (and clarify when ppl have Q's) has been very clear.


Are you curious what is included in a 6 Week Restore Your Core live class series? Take a look below on what you are getting:

  • 12 Live Classes with exercises specifically designed to strengthen your core and pelvic floor from a whole body perspective

  • A supportive community and a private WhatsApp group where you can ask questions, share observations and connect with fellow course participants and me
  • 7-day replay of every single class in case you miss it live or want to follow along in between classes for more exercise
  • Information to educate, empower and help you reconnect to your body

  • Q & A time at the end of each class to get all your personal questions answered
  • Guidance and feedback from me as we move through the live exercises together

What makes this Restore Your Core series different?

You'll discover a program tailored to your journey, providing step-by-step guidance every step of the way.

Unlike other programs, we offer a unique blend of exercise and education, ensuring all the essential foundations for your core strengthening or rehab journey are covered.

Classes are known for their nurturing and loving atmosphere, creating a supportive environment where you can thrive.

By joining, you're not just embarking on a fitness journey; you're treating yourself to the gift of self-care and personal growth.

Are you ready?



I am a self proclaimed body nerd and a life long learner with a passion for helping frum women feel amazing.

With over a decade of expertise in movement dynamics, I offer comprehensive support for pregnancy, postpartum, and beyond.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together!



How long is each class?

Each class is 1 hour long and is divided up into 45 minutes of exercise and 15 minute of core and pelvic floor eduaction discussion topics.

What happens if I miss a class?

All the classes are recorded and the recordings are available for 7 days after they are posted.

Can I just sign up for a class or two?

These classes are designed as a series. Each class builds on the one before and its very important to do the classes in order.

Think of this more as a rehab program and less of a drop in exercise class.

How does this work on Zoom? Don't you need to see me in person?

We make it work! I help you every step of the way.

The best part about Zoom is that you get to exericse and you don't even have to leave your house.

Here is what one client said about Zoom: "Honestly, I was a bit nervous to do a virtual exercise class as it is something I have never done before. I am really impressed with how clear the instructions are and easy to follow."

AND I know that Zoom is not for everyone and if Zoom doesn't work for you, then that is ok.


Track 1

Sundays + Wednesdays

8:30 pm ET | 5:30 pm PT

First Class: Sunday August 25

Still not sure if Restore Your Core™ is for you? Still undecided?


  • want to be a strong and healthy
  • have a weak core or diastasis recti
  • have pelvic floor issues like leaking or prolapse
  • have back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain
  • you are post-partum (no matter how long ago)

Empowering Frum Women


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